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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Promoting Equity

An important skill for a teacher to possess is the ability to promote equity and social justice within their classroom. Different ways a teacher can do this is by grouping students of different learning abilities and genders, modifying activities for students of different abilities, and discussing the issue of equity and justice in the classroom. Teaching abroad has given me an even better understanding of why this is important and will be helpful as I continue on to further pre-practicum experiences. Teaching abroad showed me that there are inequalities in every classroom, even in different countries, and teachers must be prepared to address these.
My CT and I were able to identify the students that struggled in different areas and needed special attention or extra reminders. One of us always had our eyes on these students to make sure they were keeping up with the class and trying their best without giving up. My CT’s classroom was a place where the students were comfortable with each other and felt safe making mistakes, something I think is very important to promote equity.

My experience abroad will definitely help me be even better at promoting social justice. From years of observing schools in America to being able to observe a school in Dublin, my experiences may go beyond some of my fellow practicum students. This makes it necessary for me to share what I learned and observed while abroad and bring this information with me to my future practicums.

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